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How Custom kids sunglasses will make your branding promo a kid’s play


Kids love to wear sunglasses as these make them look great and feel good. They often like to sport sunglasses and imitate the dressing styles of pop stars or their favorite actors that they see on television. We have a range of custom kid’s party sunglasses in a range of festive colors and funky models […]

Get our Free Bride and groom logo Wedding sunglasses to rock your wedding party

Free Bride and groom logo Wedding sunglasses

Wedding season is truly on! The brilliant spring flowers, pleasant weather and the best hotel rates of the year make this season a rage for couples who plan to tie their knot. No wedding can be complete without party favors and if you are looking for some really crowd pleasing gift ideas, do not look […]

Custom printed lens sunglasses- Loud and clear promotion

Printed Lens Sunglasses

Custom printed lens sunglasses that carry the brand logo on the lens space can easily brag about your brand without you having to put in much dough or effort! These sunglasses protect eyes from heat, raise your style quotient and above all serve as your personal mega phones in promoting your brand. These promotional logo […]

Wedding themed sunglasses – A special gift to celebrate the wedding moments

Bridesmaids Customized Wedding White Sunglasses

Any wedding is an elaborate and fun filled affair involving several special moments and milestones both before and after wedding. Wedding themed custom sunglasses are designed to keep this special need of yours in mind. The pre wedding bachelorette party dominated by the bride’s friends is probably the liveliest affair for any bride. The bachelorette […]

Wedding party sunglasses for a fairy tale wedding

Custom Imprinted Wedding Party oahu Sunglasses

Weddings are all about grandeur, gifts, fun and frolic all thrown in equal measures. The bride and the groom vie to look their best and pamper their guests and friends with the choicest gifts. For those looking for an outdoor wedding would find the bright summer season a perfect pick. Though the brilliant sunshine around […]

Valentine’s Day Sunglasses – expressions of love and style

Custom Printed Neon Sunglasses w 4 Colors

With the Valentine’s Day only a few days away, all those who are struck with the Cupid’s arrow would be searching for that elusive perfect gift for their significant other. Forget about the old fashioned gift ideas of chocolate and flowers and why not get a bit creative and above all sensual while choosing the […]

Things to remember while buying designer sunglasses

Customized Designer Sunglasses for Women

Designer sunglasses have always been the style manifesto of the fashion aficionados. Sporting the right eyeglass can ensure a stylish makeover in no time whereas an unmatched eyeglass can make you look miserable and out of place in any gathering. Here are some key things to remember while choosing sunglasses as gifts or for personal […]

Sunglasses for night parties

Logo Imprinted LightUp oahu Glasses

Glow Parties are a fun way to liven up your business events. These Logo imprinted light-up oahu glasses make great options for colorful product promotions and as gifts during family parties. Marketers can attract and retain their customers by gifting these custom oahu glasses. Ideal for gifting during tradeshows, homely celebrations, fashion events and more, […]

Sports glasses – beat the outdoor weather blues in style

Custom Printed Island Wrap

Athletes wear sunglasses not only as fashion statements but also to stay safe from the harsh UV rays of the sun. Incidentally, athletes make the most popular brand ambassadors who set off fashion trends in accessories with their on-field choices. Trendy and stylish, these sports sunglasses are available for both men and women. The stunning […]

Rock your party with Custom fun sunglasses

Customized Kids Party Sunglasses

A well hosted party should ideally be filled to the brim with fun, frolic and laughter along with food, music and well dressed revelers. It is impossible not to get noticed for any well dressed person with occasion-friendly clothes and custom fun sunglasses. These trendy customized sunglasses are designed for party goers who believe in […]

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