Hiking is a perfect activity to explore nature while also challenging the endurance limits . As it involves walking through rough terrain, it is important to be prepared to combat the unpredictable weather as well. That is what makes logo sunglasses an important part of any hiking bag.
Sunglasses play a key role in keeping your eyes safe from UV rays and elements, which in turn will enhance the trekking experience. Marketers can invest in a high-quality, durable pair of sunglasses, that will keep the users safe and comfortable during strong winds, dust or sun etc.
Some of the models to consider include, polarized sunglasses and UV resistant sunglasses. Fun models like floating sunglasses are a great choice as these will stay afloat in water even if the hikers drop it in rivers during the rough climb.

Choose the right size
Though sunglasses come in one size that fits most adults, during hiking, it is wise to choose sunglasses with straps to ensure a snug fitting; it will also prevent the sunglasses from falling off.

Choose light weight sunglasses
The best sunglasses for hiking should ideally be lightweight, which means rubberized sunglasses will make a great choice. A heavy frame on the face can slow down the hikers, and make them uncomfortable. Comfort is important and hence light weight frames will qualify as a great pair of sunglasses for hiking.
Choose durable models
Rubberized or plastic frames can handle wear and tear. So, it will make a great choice during hiking trails where there is s risk of sunglasses getting dropped accidentally . Choose models that can withstand your level of activity.

The best choices
Choose sunglasses with polarized lenses for hiking to protect the eyes from the glare that is reflected off rocks, snow, sand and water. The high intensity sun’s glare can cause eye strain and headache. UV resistant sunglasses are another great choice. Designed to keep the eyes safe from UV rays, these sunglasses will ensure the safety of the eyes in the sunny outdoors

Sports sunglasses with a tight wrap style design will keep the eyes safe from not just sun but from dust and heat as well. In addition, these sunglasses will also look good on every face type and make the holiday snaps look fabulous. Needless to say, your logo on these sunglasses will get a lot of attention from everyone

How do you plan to use custom sunglasses to promote your hiking club? Share your ideas with us.