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Monthly Archives: May 2020

Brilliant tips and  Gift Ideas To Welcome Back Your Team After The Lockdown

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The pandemic has almost run its course and it is time for everyone to take stock of the situation and restart operations  in the new near normal world. The employees who have been away from office are ready to be back in the company of their peers. Business owners can think of some welcome back […]

Custom Navigator Sunglasses- Spread The Word In A Fashionable Way!

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If you are looking for a classic model that will never run out of trend, consider navigator sunglasses. Inspired by the original pilot sunglasses, these sunglasses will make a great way to get your message across. The characteristic tear drop shaped lenses and the thin metal frame will grab easy attention while your brand imprinted […]

Top Tips To Choose The Best Custom Beach Sunglasses

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Summer is right here and everyone is looking forward to hit the beach and to break free from the lock down woes and pandemic anxiety. A well planned holiday is a great way to relax and feel motivated to take  life as it comes! Businesses that wish to reach out to the mass outdoorsy audience […]

Custom Kids Sunglasses- The Ultimate Fashion Statement For The Junior League

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Kids are hard to please and they are already ahead of us in so many ways including fashion and style. Today, kids know what looks best on them and what doesn’t! You need trending sunglasses to please them and old and obsolete models do not stand a chance in the kids’ world! While promotional sunglasses […]

How Custom Sunglasses Will Make Your Brand The Eye candy Of Your Prospects

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With summer right here, everyone is digging out their sunglasses for a long spell of fun in the sun!  Businesses can exploit the incredible popularity of sunglasses in getting their message out to their audience. Spread the word and get people think and talk about your logo by handing out these stylish accessories that never […]

How To Find The Most Appropriate Pair Of Custom Sunglasses

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Ever wondered what makes custom sunglasses great promotional items?  The winning card of these stylish logo items is its portability. While customary signage like sidewalk signs or banners stand on one specific location,  printed sunglasses will take your message imprinted to a fresh audience every time your recipients go out. Custom sunglasses are available in […]

Top of the Lot Summer Promotional Ideas- Must Read

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Summer is here, and with it comes the opportunity to heat up your outdoor promotional activities and events. Fortunately, there are many great, yet easy, ways to promote your brand. Here are some strategies that are worth trying. Social media photo contests  Encourage your followers and fans to come up with their best summer outdoor […]

Put Your Brand On Custom Sunglasses To Get All Eyes On It!

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It is summer time yet again ; with the kids out of school and the summer outdoors beckoning the fun loving people, there can’t be better time to plan a holiday, a pool party, a  lazy day at the beach or hit the parades. These popular fun summer rituals offer a perfect opportunity for promoting […]

How Promotional Sunglasses  Redefine Your Branding Strategies 

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Promotional sunglasses will get your message across effectively. Anything imprinted on the small but visible advertising space of these stylish accessories will never be overlooked. Whether you wish to place your message on the arms or the lens of sunglasses, it will get a lot of attention from people around.  If you thought there’s not […]

 Personalized Sunglasses – The Star of any Summer Promotion


Custom sunglasses put your brand before everybody’s eyes and make a practical way to market your brand. Offered in a wide range of colors and styles, these stylish accessories are hard to resist. A must-have at the beach, game events or outdoor activities, sunglasses will impress even the most discerning recipients with ease. Anyone who […]